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Sunday, January 9, 2011

What to do when the husband is away!

How is everyone's Sunday going? Mine has been exciting so far with haircuts for the boys this morning and a trip to Atlanta airport this afternoon. Both terrifying and exhausting in their own different ways. I'm sure you can all understand what cutting a three year old boys hair is like. We got the sideburns done and that was it better luck next time. And going to Atlanta airport on a Sunday afternoon is like something out of a horror movie, there is absolutely no explanation for it. We went there this afternoon to drop my husband off for a business trip. It's really sad to the kiddies faces when their daddy leaves.  Isn't Cooper adorable here? 
So to make up for it, I like to plan a fun day for them.
We started with a fun game of soccer/basketball, which is where we kick the ball around until we get close to the hoop and then throw it at the hoop until we make a point.  Then, because it was like 30 degrees outside, we proceeded inside for a nice cup of homemade hot chocolate (recipe at bottom).  Lastly we ended with a nice Thomas the train movie and some yummy popcorn. 
This is my favorite!
Although all these fun things won't make up for the lack of daddy, it at least keeps their mind off of it. As for me I have nice bowl of frozen leftover tomato soup and a sappy romance movie planned for the evening. Sometimes it nice to have some alone time.  But I'm totally not looking forward to the massive amount of alone time coming my way due to a large snow storm coming to Atlanta! AHH! I extremely dislike snow with a passion! (I've had to ban the word hate due to Enzo's excessive use of it. Bad Mommy!)

Does anyone like the snow and/or winter weather? 


2 oz of dark chocolate chips  (I like Ghirardelli)
1/4 cup cocoa powder (dutch if possible)
3 tbsp turbinado sugar or stevia
1/2 tsp vanilla
1/4 tsp cinnamon
1/8 tsp salt
2 cups of milk (low-fat or skim)

1.  Put cocoa powder, sugar, vanilla, cinnamon, salt and a splash of the milk into a pan, mix until it makes a paste.
2. Then whisk in remaining milk 
3. Put it over some heat until boiling
4. Then add 1 oz chocolate to cup and pour half the milk over, stir until all chocolate is melted
5. Repeat with 2nd cup 

If you are feeling indulgent you can add some whipped cream and if your lazy as well publix whipped cream in a can is delicious!

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