merry Friday everyone! How is everyone's day going so far? Mine has been great so far. My husband sold his car yesterday! YEAH! We have been trying to sell that thing for about a year. Now we are down to one car mine, but that's ok hopefully our vanagon will be running soon!
Anyways that meant I had to get up early and run at home.....with people eating breakfast and playing with me while I ran. Good or bad? I can't decide its nice to have the little ones around but at the same time super distracting I have no idea how I did this all the time before.
Anyways despite all the distractions I got 2.56 miles in 30 minutes yeah for me!!! I was surprised I good run this fast, ok so its not super fast but its the fastest I've ever gone. Iwas quite happy with this....although my foot went numb half way through I kept pushing through. Does anyone else have this problem? I hope it doesn't mean anything bad!
Well I'm off to make an egg and some oatmeal. Cleaning and more cleaning after that because my Dad, brother, and his girlfriend are coming in tomorrow. I can't wait.
here are some pictures of Enzo's first "real" bike ride( we went about 1.2 miles)

and Cooper's first pull ride

We stopped to take a ride down the fireman pole

It was soo beautiful that day and the ride was pretty flat. The boys had tons of fun, I can't wait to go back and do this with a running stroller for Cooper, and jog along beside Enzo!

Do you remember your first bike ride? Have you ever run with a lot of distraction? did you like it or not?
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